Sunday mornings at 11 a.m.

Tuesdays at 6 p.m.


Every Tuesday at 10am the Green Team gathers to care for our property. Please join them whenever you can!

Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 7pm for our Online Bible Study. You can access the Zoom link on our events page

Thursdays at 6 p.m.


Sing through the hymns for the upcoming Sunday service. All are welcome! No auditions required, only a willingness to lift up God’s Name in song!


C E L E B R A T I N G   G O D ' S   L O V E   F O R   A L L   P E O P L E


We are black, brown, red, yellow, white, and all the colors of God's created rainbow. We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and straight. We are transgender,intersex, female, male, gender fluid. We are queer. We are questioning. We are every age. We are every ability. We are every economic & theological location.


We are YOU.


Welcome to God's Beloved Community at Broadway.

Worship Info

11 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

More info on our events page.


3338 N Broadway St

Chicago, IL  60657

About Us

Looking to learn a little bit more about who we are?

Contact Us

Have any questions or concerns? We'd love to hear from you.



Broadway United Methodist Church is a community full of life & activity. Together we worship, study, offer community service, sing, and play. We strive to be a multi-cultural church and have proclaimed our commitment on the journey as an anti-racist institution. We are a Reconciling United Methodist congregation -- part of a connection of congregations committed to the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons.


Our schedule includes opportunities for learning, for friendship and community, for eating together, and for feeding others. All are welcome to this family of faith!




  • God created us, and called us "good."
  • God is present to us in one another and calls us to live in community.
  • God is revealed in the risky, vulnerable servant ministry of Christ Jesus and his story of death overcome in the Resurrection.
  • God's Holy Spirit empowers and quips us to be God's hands, feet, and heart in a hurting world.
  • God calls us to be agents of justice and love in the world.
  • We read the Bible in community, trusting that God's living word is revealed in scripture informed by tradition, reason, and experience.




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Please see our event page for which events are in person and which are online, and how to join us remotely via Zoom, Facebook Live, and/or YouTube.