• As you know primary election day is fast approaching for us in Illinois. The first question on the ballot under referenda is to “Amend the Real Estate Transfer Tax.” In spite of the opposition, this week, the First District Appellate Court affirmed the validity of the question on the ballot. 


  • As some of you may know, last Sunday airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolated outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, and while we can all argue about whether this is the right approach, it also does not take away from the fact that another human life is lost! 


  • This is the second Sunday in the Lenten season. As you may remember, we are following the series “What R U UP 2?” created by Worship Design Studio, inviting us to take UP things that make this world a better place, this Lenten season. This Sunday we will be reminded that Jesus was very clear that following him might not be a smooth ride. He was bound to choose the just way, not the easy way, through life. To TAKE UP the cross was to lose one’s life — to let go of certain expectations of safety and acceptance in order to stand for the Gospel message of love. And we will be invited to think how can we take up the causes of Jesus — justice, righteousness, and mercy in our day?