• Morgan Stafford is a Campus Minister at the University of Memphis who has committed to live an anti-racist life. He says, “As a white man, I have learned that I’ve benefitted from racism, while people of color have been harmed. I believe that white Christians must take the lead to confront and dismantle racism. It’s our job.” The General Commission on Race and Religion reached out to Morgan and together they invite us to join them for 30 days of Antiracism during September- each day engaging in an activity that will help us to become intentional in our thinking and acting in antiracist ways. 

  • As you already know that Sunday, September 11th will be a busy Sunday at Broadway. We are asking you to invite your friends and all those who once worshipped at Broadway, to come back to church.  We will worship in the yard, as we have been doing all summer, and afterwards share in a meal together.

  • On August 10, I received an email from the General Commission of Religion and Race that included this article that I thought would be helpful for all of us to read and reflect on- hope it is helpful to you as well. if it triggers any thoughts, let me know and I would love to have a conversation with you.