• I’d like to invite you to the following event. I’ll be there, and it’d be nice to see you there, too! Just as Jesus asks us to care for our neighbors, we can do activism for try to get these neighbors into homes! Interfaith Action for Bring Chicago Home; Monday, May 23rd at 9am.

  • As we get closer to the end of this month of remembering and celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I want to remind us of a few things:

  • So I'm back on German this week, with (what I consider) a fun word; treppenwitz. It means, literally 'staircase wit' - but in terms of how it's actually used, it refers to when you think of a great response/comeback/joke/etc...after the moment for it has already passed; on your way up or down the staircase out, whether figuratively or literally.