Dear Broadway community,
By the time you get this email, we will be in the longest three days of a Christian’s life. This is my favorite season though! For some people Christmas is special and for some Easter is blessed, but I love Good Friday! I believe there would not have been an Easter if there was no Good Friday. Because of the experience of Good Friday, I am able to appreciate Easter and the promise it brings. Good Friday reminds us that none of us are exempt from bad things happening to us -- even Jesus experienced the evils of this world -- but in resurrection Jesus gave us the promise of eternal life, and that reminder is what helps us go through the difficult parts of our life journey!
We are in one such journey in our lives -- not only as Christians but as a world -- regardless of the country we live in or the faith we practice. COVID 19 has claimed our world in a way that has caused us "to tremble" at the fragility of life and the choices we humans have made in our lives. This experience is forcing us to live isolated lives -- and caused us some inconveniences, but it also brings a real opportunity for us to experience a glimpse of life for the majority of the world. Most of us have food, homes, transportation and income to sustain us, but majority of the world has lost their income, have limited transportation facilities. The majority of the world’s population will struggle to make ends meet and may not have enough to eat! This feels like a long Good Friday experience!
That reminds me, we will not have a Good Friday service, but we will be posting readings for the “stations of the cross” every hour on Broadway's Facebook page. For the rest of our time under COVID 19 related "stay at home" orders, and if Zoom does not change anything on us again -- here are the links for all our ongoing events:
So, this may feel like a long Good Friday experience. Beloved, may this experience remind us of our privileges and call us to help our community as best as we can and whenever we can -- so all of us may experience resurrection -- not only as a ritual, but in real sense, as a community -- from all the injustices, as a country- from white supremacy and racism, and as a world -- from COVID 19. Wouldn’t that truly be Easter for all of us? Let us work towards that beloved!
Let us continue to move forward -- doing all we can to continue to flatten the curve. God bless you and I hope to see you at church. May God give all of us the strength we need for each day to do the work that we are called to do. And remember, I am always your partner in justice.