Alka's Angle August 30, 2024

Dear Broadway Community, 

Broadway UMC has survived and continued to be a presence in the Lakeview neighborhood all these years because of many committed people like you, who have been faithful, who have kept this building safe, clean and welcoming for all and have helped in whatever way necessary to maintain the grounds!

This has made the work lighter and easier, especially for those who serve on teams and committees and know that they alone cannot accomplish all that goes into maintaining a building and making sure it is safe and accessible to the hundreds of people who enter our doors every week.


And while there are many projects that can only be handled by professionals, there are several small projects or regular everyday jobs that can easily be handled in house. That is where we need your assistance. From one time needs like moving furniture or shifting shelves to weekly maintenance like weeding and watering- all these projects are now on a google sheet, and for easy access, here is a list of projects that we can use your help with. Please take a moment to look through the list and sign up for projects that you can handle. We will keep updating the list as needed.


Beloveds, you are deeply appreciated for all the ways you continue to show up and support the ministries of Broadway United Methodist Church. Let us keep the energy, support one another and help any way we can. Let us commit to reusing all we can, recycle as much as we can and share with neighbors what we feel we don’t need anymore- and so, do all we can to leave a better world for our children and the future generations. And, I hope to see you in church soon,