Alka's Angle December 27, 2024

Dear Broadway Community,


Wherever you were on Christmas eve/day, I trust you were able to welcome the memory of Christ coming to this earth in the form of a human whom we called Jesus and you found ways to make room for the less privileged also- by sharing, by donating, by even just seeing them eye to eye and recognizing their existence around us, and I pray we were able to see a glimpse of Jesus in them. 

I want to also take a moment to thank all those who helped us with the lighting of the Advent candles and readings during the Advent season. Your participation helped us enhance the worship experience and for that I am deeply grateful.

Recently someone asked me how I picked the people to do these readings. I gave them an explanation that I wish to share with you all also- just in case you had the same question but didn’t ask: so I tried to find different configurations of family (single, partnered, chosen, married and, married with children) and identities (transgender, cis-gender, heterosexual and homosexual). In addition, I also looked at the possibility of their availability. Did I do it all correct? Probably not- but that is how I tried to do the asks. If you have a better suggestion- you can let me know for next year and I will try to accommodate your suggestion.


As we prepare to bring the month and with that the year 2024 to a close, I want to remind us of the following:

  • If you have not made your pledge for 2025, you can do that by using this link and support Broadway UMC to continue to be a presence in Lakeview through worship and our various ministries.
  • Donate new and used winter wear for Heartland Human Care Services. You can bring your donations to church, or order to be delivered directly from their Amazon list.     
  • And finally, let us join in a VIGIL for the HOLY INNOCENTS IN GAZAorganized by Mennonite Action Chicago, on Saturday, December 28th @ 4:00pm at the John Hancock Building on Michigan Avenue, to recognize that while we enjoy the festivities of the season, people in the land where Jesus was born are enduring a genocidal war and are being bombardment with US weapons killing more than 18,000 children within a span of 14 months.  

And finally beloveds, let us prepare to enter the year 2025 with a renewed commitment to walk boldly towards justice, support communities through mutual aid, and do all we can to leave a better and peaceful world for our children and the future generations. 


And again, I hope to see you in church soon,