Dear Broadway Community,
The last several weeks in the gospel have been reminding us to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly in the path that the divine is calling us to: to ‘resist evil, injustice and oppression’ and to remember that nothing changes unless we ACT on it.
So, I share with you several opportunities for you to ACT on and be part of the change we desire to see in this world:
To join in this effort, we are invited to not purchase anything, shop on-line, or spend money at major retailers or any non-essential spending, which means you can definitely shop for absolutely necessary essentials, medicines or any other emergency supplies.
Beloveds, amidst all of these movements and actions, let us not forget to care for ourselves and to stay grounded, so nothing gets to us in a way that paralyses us from caring: for ourselves and for those around us. May we all remain intentional in checking on one another, and frequently reminding each other that we are beloveds of the one who created us. May we do our best to move forward with courage, compassion, and conviction.
God bless you all and I will see you at church!