Dear Broadway Community,
As I sit in my front room, watching the snow come down slowly, covering all the parked cars, I am grateful that I can work from home, and I am mindful of the unhoused who hopefully have found refuge in libraries and coffee shops. And I am holding the people of California in God’s care as they struggle through another disaster that is disrupting their daily lives and devastating the area, even as we speak. According to reports, more than 9000 structures have been destroyed, not even counting the people who are displaced.
According to Bishop Sandra Olewine, resident Bishop of the San Francisco area and the California-Nevada Conference, “Many houses of worship are gone, including Altadena UMC, one of Cal-Pac’s historic black churches…The total loss is impossible to calculate. We just know that multiple communities will be recovering for many years.”
As people of faith, we are called not only to pray for the people of California, but to also put our faith in action and participate in the relief and recovery work!
Our United Methodist Committee on Relief(UMCOR) is already present and active, so if you are able, please support them with your donations, resting assured that 100% of your donation will be used in the relief work. You can also make your donation count for Broadway UMC, by choosing that option on the donation page.
Beloveds, I recently read a quote by Octavia Butler, “There’s a fire…again. This time it’s big. It’s burning a lot of houses. People are running for their lives.” and these fires in CA remind me of that quote as I am mindful of all the other fires people are experiencing in their lives- fires that are burning and consuming folk all around us and I invite us to be intentional and mindful of those folk, in our circles, in our communities, in our buildings and in our surroundings. I know we can not help everyone and I know that some may not be satisfied by what we can do, but that should not deter us from doing our best- so let us keep doing our best, keep moving forward and be true to our baptismal covenant of resisting injustice and oppression.
With renewed commitment- let us walk boldly towards justice, support communities through mutual aid, and do all we can to leave a better and peaceful world for our children and the future generations.
And again, I hope to see you in church soon,