Dear Broadway Community,
As I said a few weeks ago, among many things that happen at Annual Conference is what is called the ‘fixing of appointments,’ and the Bishop and the cabinet decided to re-appoint me to Broadway, so for at least one more year we get to do ministry together. I say one more year because in our denomination, as itinerant pastors, our appointments are only for one year- every year we find out if we get to stay or relocate.
I also realize this may not be good news for all- so if you are disappointed in this news- I or the Relationship Builders will be open to hearing your concerns so we can work on them in the coming year. However, I do want to take this moment to express my gratitude for this past year. I am thankful for:
Along with this gratitude, I also acknowledge the losses we have experienced this year. We will celebrate Fran’s life at Broadway tomorrow, Saturday, July 6th at 11am. Satia’s family has planned a celebration for her on Friday, July 12th at 11am at the Harold Washington Library. We will have a memorial service for Satia, at Broadway, on Sunday, July 21st at 2pm.
I am grateful for the possibility of shared ministry with Holy Covenant UMC. If you have not done so yet, share your thoughts and ideas for ministry here with us about the possibilities of ministry.
And I am grateful for volunteers who have begun planning for our Annual Backpack Give Away! We are ahead in planning this year because of a generous donation of backpacks already. Now we have to fill them with school supplies. Julia and Woo have taken responsibility for the task and created a wish list at Walmart. Please review the list and buy the donations so we can continue to share resources with our young people and local schools.
Beloveds, I continue to be grateful for all of you for always showing up in the best way you can, so together we can continue to be the church that God has called us to be.
Be blessed, and be a blessing to all you meet, and I look forward to seeing you all at church.