Dear Broadway Family,
June is always a special month at Broadway! It is PRIDE MONTH!!! For the last 2 years we have not been able to celebrate the month with full energy, but now we are BACK IN PERSON!!! Let us join for all the celebrations, and fun activities.
Oh, and a few more unrelated things-
Beloveds, Jesus healed, taught, spoke with passion and looked at people with compassion, but Jesus also over turned the tables of money changers and spoke against the abuse of power by the Roman authorities. He called out the wrongs he witnessed, and did not shy away from standing against the oppressive practices. We are called to do the same. We are called to ‘seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God’ always. May we continue to strive to do our best, be our best and do all we can to leave a livable world for the generations to come, and a safer place for our generations. And remember God loves you and so do I, and I look forward to seeing you in worship.