Dear Broadway Family,
As we continue to journey through Lent and are reminded to take time to slow down and enjoy the places we find ourselves, in any specific moment. I also celebrate this moment in our history. On March 7th, the US Senate passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, named after 15-year-old Emmett of Chicago, who was lynched in 1955, for allegedly whistling at Carolyn Bryant in Mississippi. The bill was first introduced in the House in 2019 by US Representative Bobby Rush of Chicago and is now headed to the President’s desk.
Acts like such are tools of intimidation that were historically used to deny basic privileges to the Black and other minority communities, and while it is disturbing that such a law is still needed in our world today, I hope some of you will find this news as ‘medicine’ as we are reminded this Sunday that anything can be medicine to our hearts and souls.
Join us this Sunday as we continue to journey through the season of Lent, tending to the gardens of our souls and our surroundings. What are other things - hobbies, practices, rituals, that serve as medicine for you? Ponder on this question for this Sunday!
For me - serving the people of God and working for justice is also healing and helpful! If that is true for you also - then you will not want to miss the “Bring Chicago Home” townhall meeting with Alderman Tunney, on Sunday, March 27th, an effort to bring over $100 million towards ending homelessness in the city.
Friends, life can be just a little easier when we are able to embrace the Yes/And in our lives. Listen to this podcast with Cecily Strong who reminds us life is full of complications and acknowledging all that comes our way can be helpful for our health and survival.
Beloveds, find things in life that can be medicine for you, so we may find grounding and comfort in them, in a way that we find space in our hearts and lives to be present for others in our life - for people who may need us to be medicine for them.
May we continue to pray for one another, care for ourselves, and never force ourselves to do anything that is not life giving for us. Let us continue to do our part in making this world and just and safer place for all God’s people! And remember God loves you and so do I, and I look forward to seeing you in worship.