Dear Broadway Family,
What a blessing last Sunday was! We were truly blessed by the Rev. Darneather Murph-Heath and if you missed it, we invite you to go to our Facebook page and watch the worship service.
Last Sunday was also the 2nd Sunday of Lent -- and like the week before, we were invited to touch/hold a piece of beach glass that we had received in our Lenten kits and be reminded that just as each piece of that glass is completely unique, we too are uniquely and beautifully created. And, we were invited to share our needs with someone, knowing that we are all part of God’s community, and, explore how we could help other members of our community or congregation, so together we can work towards healing -- not only for ourselves but also for our community. What could that mean for us? Do you have an idea? Feel free to share that with me. And don’t forget to take some time to look at the reflection pages for this week.
Also as we think of the Helen Keller’s statement quoted above, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much,” I invite you to join the church’s leadership team (Broadway Ministry Advocates) to a conversation we have scheduled with a pastor who, with his congregation has re-imagined their church property and are in the process of building a high rise. STOP! STOP! STOP! Before you jump to conclusions -- we are definitely NOT doing anything to our church building -- and nothing yet to any other parts of our property. This is simply to get some idea of how this project was handled, because we all know that our parsonage is very old and while it is maintained very well by the church, it is always in need of some more work. So sooner than later, we will have to look into alternatives. We are simply gathering information proactively. And we want to do that with you! So, if any of you feel you either have any knowledge about such projects, or, just want to listen in, we will be happy to share the zoom link with you. For now, get the date on your calendar. The meeting will be on Sunday, March 21st at 2:00 pm.
Friends, let us continue on this journey towards health and wholeness. Let us claim our identity as a beloved child of God, and let us remember to do all we can to make this world a better place for all who live in it. And remember, I am always your partner in this work of justice!