Alka's Angle November 12, 2021

Dear Broadway Family,

You may or may not have known that the Bishops of the Northcentral Jurisdiction called for a virtual special session of the Jurisdictional Conference for Nov 10-11, 2021. Because we could not take care of ‘usual’ business without General Conference meeting first, we had the opportunity to do something different. As a result we engaged in honest conversation about the future of the Jurisdiction, and covenanted to work towards ‘becoming beloved community’ by committing to the work of anti-racism. The whole covenant is framed around our baptismal covenant.


During a chat one of the delegates expressed their pain that the covenant talked more about who were not, rather than celebrating who we were. While I understood the sentiment, I also knew why we have had to name the harm that has been done, and the pain that all indigenous people and persons of color have endured for a long time.


It is time for us to acknowledge, and apologize for the wrongs the church has been a part of, and offer reparations! 


As a country too! This week we can act by urging our congressional leaders to bring to the floor for a full vote in the House on H.R. 40, legislation that is in response to 400+ years of racial inequity. To read the full bill click here.

The hope is for the vote to be taken by November 18 (last day of votes before Thanksgiving recess), so let us help:



This Sunday we would participate in another act of justice by remembering all the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. We will light candles in honor of those lives and participate in a litany. The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in 1998, and has now become an annual event.

Reparations! Reparations! Reparations! I pray that a day will come, if not in our lifetime, then soon, when reparations will not be needed, for all humans will learn to live peacefully with one another, and all God’s creation. But until that day we need to keep working towards it -- one day at a time, one course correction at a time, and one step at a time.

May God help each one of us, as we do all we can in our power to make the world around us, better place for everyone. May we always seek justice, love kindness and may God continue to bless you! And remember, I am always with you in the work of justice. I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday!