Dear Broadway Family,
Thank you, beloved family, for giving me the freedom to get away and catch some much needed retreat time. I look forward to the time and will share information on a few important events that are happening around the conference.
Beloveds, I hope you will be able to attend some of these events -- try to learn more about the conference and or participate in the prayer vigil, learn about the impact of marijuana in people’s lives.
Yes, the world we live in is filled with pain, anxiety, competition and the desire to have better, do better and look better. In this competitive world, may we stay focused on the most important thing: to be in relationship with our siblings, to offer care for one another, to love unconditionally, to stand in support of each other, and to work towards building God’s kin-dom here and now. And, as always, I am with you in this work, and I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday!