Alka's Angle

  • As we continue to observe Black History Month I cannot but reflect also on the many ways in which the church, in general, and our Methodist denomination in particular, have caused much harm to our African American siblings.

  • Today is the coldest day of this winter, I hear! I hope you are safely at home and if you need to be out -- you have protected yourself well. On this coldest day, I am grateful for the community of Broadway that continues to work towards having warm hearts for all God’s people! In that effort we do all we humanly can, to honor the members of our community and the cultures that are present in our community. And while I am not a fan of the idea that we assign one month to honor various cultures in our country, I am grateful for the intentionality it brings in us to celebrate that specific race/culture. February is BLACK HISTORY MONTH, so at Broadway we honor the story of the African and African American people in this month! Throughout the month we will use African/African American music in worship and hear the stories of some of our own Broadway people as they also share a sermon with us.

  • I am listening to NPR! People are invited to call in and share their memories from 10 years ago today -- when heavy snow was dumped in the area and most parts of the state sat in standstill for days. Cars stalled on LSDrive and thousands of people were left without power for days. Reporters called it “Snowmageddon.” They speak of it -- because today marks 10 years, and because, while it is beautiful and sunny in the neighborhood right now, more snow is on the way for us this weekend. This is expected for Chicago in winter. We prepare for the conditions to protect ourselves from them. I hope you have! Another condition that our country has been dealing with for a long time is racism and the current state of our country has brought it to the surface in a brutal way. 

  • I am sure most of you know the United Methodist Church did not have its scheduled General (where polity decisions are made) and Jurisdictional (where Bishops are elected and assigned) Conferences in 2020 due to COVID. Because of that, we did not elect or assign Bishops, however, some Bishops were planning to retire.

  • 10 months! On March 15, 2020, we had our first zoom worship! 10 months have passed! And even though we know the end is on the horizon, it is not here quite yet -- so for a little longer, we will need to stay put and do the best with what we have! I invite us to be intentional in checking on our friends, family members and neighbors. Every human being is living with some level of stress and challenges in these days. Be gentle with folk, especially those who serve you and help you.