Lee's Lexicon April 15, 2022

Hello Broadway!

So...Holy Week. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday. 


But as per usual with me - I like to address the question of 'what does this word actually mean'. 

In this case, it's perhaps no surprise that Easter shared a common root with east - which is, of course, the direction from which the sun rises. 

Easter, then, if we look at the etymological roots, means 'of/from the sun/dawn'. 

Appropriate, given that it's the morning on which Christ rose - the end to the darkness of the tomb, the end of the darkness of human sun and failing, left behind on the cross, in the grave which could not hold the Son of God. 

But that night, the grave, is part of the journey too. Good Friday, the cross, death...those are important as well. 

But they needn't overcome the light. 

Even as we journey through the night, there are stars - distant suns, distant dawns, that light our way through dark places. 

Even in the grave, Easter approaches. 

Even when all seems lost, the dawn will come. 



Even when we let ourselves mourn, when we acknowledge that we must spend time in the night, we can be looking toward the day - toward the sunrise. 


Lee M. Rollins