Mack's Minute April 17, 2020

As a change of pace, today (or sometime this week) I would invite you to pray with color. This is an activity that I have done a couple of times with the young adult group. It always helps me to relax and focus my thoughts a little more. You don’t need to think of yourself as artistic, just sit down with a blank sheet of paper and something to color with. This could be colored pens, pencils, markers, crayons, etc. You could even do this with just a regular pen or pencil.

Praying in color can be done a number of ways. The most common ways are 1) prayers for others, 2) praying for yourself, 3) praying either things you are worried/mad about or grateful for, and 4) praying your to-do list. You can pick one of these or any combination of them. I have included a picture of one of my drawings and an example from to give you some ideas.


Now, on your paper write a name for God. It can be whatever you want (God, Holy One, Creator, Love, etc.). Then draw a shape around it and begin coloring and adding other shapes however you feel. After a few minutes, write the name of someone you are praying for or something from one of the other types of prayers. If you would like, you can also write some other words in and around that shape that you are praying for. Continue until you are ready to move to the next word/phrase. Do this as long as you would like. The beauty of praying with color is that you don’t have to pray with your words. Just let your hand’s movement and the colors speak to God for you.