Mack's Minute January 17, 2020

Matthew 3:13-17 is the well-known passage of Jesus getting baptized by John in the Jordan River. As I read this, I keep asking myself “Why did Jesus need to be baptized?” For many, baptism is a cleansing of sins, for others it is claiming Jesus as Lord and joining the Church, and still others say it is a dying to sin/self and rising as a new person renewed by God. Whatever you believe about baptism, none of these seem like good reasons for Jesus to be baptized, yet he says he must be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.”
Perhaps Jesus wants to be baptized to be in solidarity with us. Jesus is fully divine and fully human. To really show that he was human, he needed to be baptized like us. This act is just the first of many of Jesus showing his love for us. He is with us in everything we do and has first-hand knowledge of many things we have and will experience.

Immediately following his baptism, the heavens open and God claims Jesus as God’s son. And God is well pleased with him. This moment seems to give Jesus the strength to stand the testing in the wilderness after this and prepares him for his ministry. In the same way, when we are baptized, God prepares us and strengthens us for our life, regardless of how old we are. Jesus’ baptism was his commitment to loving us and fighting for justice. It is the same for us. And when we do, God smiles upon us and is well pleased.
So this week, remember your baptism and show yourself and others the love of God.