Mack's Minute January 31, 2020

The Gospel passage for this past Sunday was Matthew 4:12-23. Take a moment to read it before we continue. The very first sentence here is very important. Jesus hears that John has been arrested by the Roman Empire for causing trouble, so he withdraws to Galilee. The Greek word used here for ‘withdrew’ suggests that Jesus fled. Which makes sense. John had called out Herod Antipas for his oppressive economic practices that helped the rich get richer and harmed everyone on the margins, and so Herod had John violently thrown in jail. Jesus, being of the same mind as John about this issue, fled to a safer area.
But he fled with purpose. In verses 18-22 we see Jesus calling the first disciples and making them fishers of men. This phrase challenges the power structures currently at play in the world and gives us insight on how to usher in the kindom of heaven. In opposition of an empire built on violence and fear, Jesus offers us a new way of thinking and living. Jesus and his disciples worked together to transform the world through love and invitations to participate in the new kindom.

How are we doing this in today’s world? How are you and how is the Broadway community participating in the transformative work that Jesus calls us to? Are we inspiring and inviting others to be fishers of men? Where and we succeeding and where are we failing, personally and collectively?