Broadway Family,
Holy Week is over, and we are still in the season of Easter. Still lots of time for reflecting on the miracle of redemption! The beautiful flowers will continue to be on the alter, and I’m so grateful to continue the celebration.
I’m glad that Easter is not just one day. Jesus doesn’t just offer us grace for one day! Grace abounds and lasts and reaches into our most cobwebbed corners. Grace offers us love and acceptance every day that we are willing to accept it.
How does it feel, to sit with the the knowledge of God’s steadfast love? Our Holy Week services were powerful, I felt, and I know personally that sometimes I need to take time to let things sink in. Our Lent liturgies spoke of wanting to live lives free from regret. Healing from regret is a process, not an overnight light switch. It’s not God that needs time, it takes time for our own hearts to accept that we are deserving of forgiveness. God waits, because She is eternal, and never gives up.