Pip's Perspective December 23, 2021

Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas! I hope that this holiday brings you much joy and togetherness. If for you the holiday is also mixed with sadness, know that God holds you in his arms regardless of how the holiday makes you feel. Your feelings are your own, they are valid, and you are deeply loved and cherished. I was touched to see some of you at the Blue Christmas service in person and on Facebook, and I hope the service brought some comfort to you as it did me. I hope to see many of you for our Christmas Eve service as well.

This holiday season, I invite you to spend a little of your time thinking about people who are without homes and/or resources. If you see a panhandler standing outside of Walgreens or another store or block, consider giving more than you might normally. And consider making this contribution regular or semi-regular. It’s not easy asking for money from strangers, but for some it’s the only way to meet their needs.


Regardless of your ability to pay, please treat people who are asking for your money, with dignity and kindness. You don’t need to stop and talk long (in fact doing so can create difficulties for the person begging in losing some of their other customers) but eye contact and a friendly hello go a long way. It’s hard to be without in this culture of having, and to be treated as a human being is a welcome gift. 

Epiphany (Pip) Paris