Pip's Perspective January 21, 2022


This week, Pastor Alka and I went to a workshop hosted by ONE Northside about the Bring Chicago Home resolution,which is about creating more Single Room Occupancies and Permanent Supportive Housing, both which are needed to combat rampant homelesssness in Chicago. The resolution would funnel $80 million every year to permanent supportive housing and SRO preservation. The money would be raised by increasing the Real Estate Transfer tax on properties worth over $1 million. This is a one-time tax paid at the point of sale, and our proposed increase would not affect 96% of property sales. 


We need 15 more sponsors in order to pass the resolution - contact your Alderperson today to let them know you want them to support the Bring Chicago Home resolution!







  • Post a BCH graphic on your social media platforms and ask your network to email their Alderperson with the link above.
  • Call your Alderperson! You can do so at the same link, bit.ly/passbringchicagohome, by clicking the phone icon. Script provided.



  • More people, more power! Talk to 5 of your friends to tell them about BCH and to ask them to contact their Alderperson.



  • Sign up to Phonebank with us! Our next phonebank is Wednesday, January 26th from 5-7pm on Zoom. We will train everyone at the beginning.
  • Sign up for the Northside Bring Chicago Home Town Hall on Sunday, March 27th from 2-3:30pm! We want 250 people there to show our Alderpeople - we want Bring Chicago Home. RSVP and share the link: link: bit.ly/bchtownhall



Thank you all for your support of this important resolution, and feel free to check in with me about what you've done, so I know what actions Broadway is engaging in!

Epiphany (Pip) Paris