Hello Everyone!
I hope and trust that your holidays were pleasant, rewarding and peaceful. I know that holidays can be a tough time (as can be winter!) so if you ever need to talk, feel free to reach out!
I have a couple of opportunities to share from ONE Northside. As you may know, Broadway United Methodist is a member congregation of ONE Northside, and this organization is our primary community organizing affiliation. In the next couple of months, they will be offering an "Organizing Essentials" workshop which I hope you will all consider attending!!! In the meantime, here are a couple of great opportunities to connect:
ONE Northside is hosting a De-escalation Training from Hollaback on Tuesday, January 11th 5:30pm-7pm on Zoom. We all have a responsibility to do something when we see harassment happening, but too often we freeze. We don’t know what to do. Bystander intervention gives us tools to intervene without compromising our own safety. When we intervene, we don’t just reduce trauma for the person being harassed. We also start to chip away at the culture that allows harassment to be so prevalent. Alone we can’t shift the culture — but together — our actions matter.In this training our goal is to give participants the tools to intervene the next time they witness harassment in public spaces. De-escalation training can create alternatives to involving police (who can very often escalate situations instead of calming them down), and allow individuals to aid in situations of harassment.
Also - ONE Northside has a Bring Chicago Home campaign happening. Bring Chicago Home is based on the premise that everbody has a right to affordable housing. How can you support?
That's it from me for now! I hope to see you at both of these events, and I hope to hear from you if you need someone to talk to. Take care, and be blessed!