Pip's Perspective March 24, 2023

Hi Folks,


It is now Spring!


I’ve now seen robins, green grass, and crocuses. Days are now longer than nights, and we can expect gradually warming weather. 


This all means that people living in Chicago without homes are easing into a time when their lives become a tiny bit easier, because spring is better than winter for staying outdoors. 


It also means Easter is approaching, including our Sonrise service, brunch, and Easter Service on April 9th. I have been experiencing a lot of reflection in the journey towards Easter, and there is still a bit of time for further reflection and searching. 


Also, the end of my internship is approaching. My last Sunday preaching and co-leading worship is May 28th, and on May 30th I will be facilitating the Social Justice Committee for my last session, though it will be going on without me after I conclude my time here. That committee meets every other Tuesday, and has 5 meetings left before I wrap up. We've been building important trust in that group, and brainstorming possibilities. Before I leave, l'll tell you more, but know that you are welcome to join meetings anytime. 

With the understanding that time keeps on ticking, I invite you to remember that you can meet the love of God in any moment. Pause, take a deep breath. Hold it. Release it. Even as the air moves in and out of your lungs, God is always moving in your life. 


Be well, and be blessed! 
