Hello Broadway Family,
This Sunday, 5/21, wraps up the Easter Season. I preach this Sunday, and will be talking about the Ascension of Jesus and the Kin-dom of Heaven.
God is big and everlasting. God‘s love is eternal, God came before us and created us, and God surpasses human understanding. Our clearest conceptions of God, while limited in scope and clarity, help us to connect to God. Our ideas of God can, do, and should grow as we grow. For example, at BUMC, we use the word “kin-dom” instead of “kingdom” because the governments of our current world are often democracies, not ruled by kings. When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, he was making it clear to the people of that time that God mattered more than the human leadership that claimed ultimate power. It was a bold political and counter-cultural statement then, but as we’ve grown past monarchies, those exact words don’t hold the same weight to us. Kin-dom comes closer, as it expresses the oneness that humans can experience through God, the oneness that Jesus taught.
The Sunday after that, May 28th, is my last time preaching from your pulpit. It is also Pentecost, the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the early followers of Jesus and they spoke in tongues so that the mission of Jesus could spread far and wide. Over 2000 years later, how can WE feel the energy of the Holy Spirit move through US in order to spread the promise of Love into the world?
Between now and the end of May, we still have bit of time to say goodbye, so reach out if you’d like to connect! I am expected, through my seminary and UU faith tradition, to break contact for at least 2 years with all of you. While I am very sad to let you go, I understand this rule to be for ministerial formation as well as to give congregations a way to make space for future interns to flourish. I will abide by this policy. My last time in the building is 5/28, however I do have availability until 5/31, if you’d like to schedule a chat with me on zoom, phone, or in person.
While human relationships have beginnings and endings, God’s love is forever. I wish for you that you will feel comfortable accepting that everlasting love into your hearts and lives.