Hi Broadway Family,
I really enjoyed our worship service this last Sunday. As stated previously, because it was the 5th Sunday of the month, we did a bit of something different! Instead of a sermon, we did a spiritual practice. We did a breathing meditation, then visualized BUMC 10 years from now, living into God's promise of growing the beloved community.
I loved all the art people created! It seems that the scratch-off pads were a particular hit, but people also very much got into making collages, and coloring coloring pages.
Imagining the future 10 years ahead is a really good practice. If you imagine challenging scenarios, like natural disasters or pandemics, it can help you pre-process all of the emotions and then if the actual situation occurs, your response time is faster! If you imagine positive scenarios (as we did), it can make it easier to take realistic steps in that direction. No matter what you imagine, thinking about the future in tiny details can improve your ability to be resilient in the face of challenges (it has been studied!) and to be creative in the ways you create your life and community.
This is already a vibrant church, small but mighty. I'd love you to keep imagining, and email me about what you envision! 10 years from now, how can Broadway live into God's promise of love within and outside of our walls?
You are loved, you are cherished, you are God's precious children!