Pip's Perspective October 15, 2021

Hi everyone!

This Sunday will be my first time preaching for you, and I'll be talking about the question, "What would Jesus do?"

As I see it, Jesus is always on the side of the oppressed, and he asks us to be as well. In our country, this would mean homeless people, poor people living paycheck to paycheck, people of color, queer folks, immigrants, even people who don't believe in Jesus and are persecuted for their non-Christian beliefs. Jesus envisions for us a heaven on Earth where we are all loving of one another, and everyone's needs are met. Truly following Jesus means caring for all people, even people who look, behave, love, or believe differently than us.

Jesus invites us to use our love in the service of justice for all. What does this look like for you? I invite you to email me your thoughts on this or any subject. 

A reminder, I'm still inviting you to invite me out to coffee, brunch, lunch. I've gotten to know a few members of the congregation this way already, and I'd love to get to know more of you! If you are playing cautious with the pandemic, even a phone call would be lovely. Interested? Send me an email at pipaylaparis@gmail.com and let's schedule something!

Epiphany (Pip) Paris