Yesterday, Rev Alka, Lee and I attended a press conference outside of city hall. The event was "Bring Chicago Home" and was about providing housing to our city's homeless.
I think often about what Jesus would say to our modern world. That's the topic of my first sermon for you, on October 17th. I definitely think Jesus would have been at that press conference and would have advocated for housing for all. Loving our neighbor means our homeless neighbors too. I think Jesus would hang out in the tent cities by bridges and aqueducts, and do his ministry for people who are calling these places home.
Have you ever visited one of the tent cities in town? I've done cleanup at one for a Chicago Union of the Homeless event. Next time a cleanup is scheduled, wanna come with me? Bags and gloves are provided.
I'd love your thoughts about this! I very much welcome emails on these or any topics. I've had the privilege to meet with a few of you now, and my door continues to be open!
Epiphany (Pip) Paris