Pip's Perspective September 16, 2022

Hello everybody! 

Last week, I discussed a couple of the offerings I'll be working on this school year at Broadway. The social justice initiative, which we'll be brainstorming all together about in October, and the spiritual practice group. 

Both offerings will be on Thursday nights. The spiritual practice group will be Thursdays at 6pm, and social justice at 7pm. We scheduled it this way to try to encourage folks to try both. If you are already coming for one, might as well come for the other! The social justice offering will start later on, but we are already beginning the spiritual practice group at 6pm on Thursdays! 

As I've said before, we'll begin with a Wesleyan question, "How is it with your soul?" This is an opportunity for a spiritually-centered check in, a chance to share about the highs and lows of your week, and to connect with folks in your community. Then we will be following an alternate practice of Lectio Divina, where we will read a piece of scripture three times, and reflect on what we resonate with, what we feel resistance to, and then a synthesis of both. Lastly, we will talk about what our overall take-away is, and our hopes/dreams for the week to come. 

I really hope that you will consider attending weekly, but even if you can just stop in a time or two, I would feel very blessed to see you! Maybe try to attend this coming week? 



May your day and week be blessed, and may you know God's love! 


Epiphany (Pip) Paris