• So, this past Sunday we heard from the Acts of the Apostles. Acts is the book in our New Testament located just after the four gospels. Fun Fact: Acts was actually written by the same author as the Gospel of Luke; consequently, many scholars simply refer to them jointly, as Luke-Acts, since Acts is basically a sequel to the gospel. Just think of it as Luke 2: Same Spirit, More Moves.

  • We talked about the story of Phillip and the Eunuch from the book of Acts, where the Eunuch is reading from the Bible. After they have a conversation and, I am hoping, a dialog about the scripture, they find water in the desert and there is baptism.

  • So, last Sunday we heard from Paul’s letter to the church in Galatians. It’s always a good practice to remember that we’re actually reading someone else’s two-thousand-year-old mail when we’re reading one of Paul’s letters. Even though they didn’t have FedEx back in those days, the New Testament is still basically half mail.