• My time with you is coming to a close, and I'm beginning to prepare my final sermons at Broadway.  I will be preaching on both 5/21, and 5/28. 5/28, as my last service with you, is also Pentecost. Robert and I have been planning the music for that day, as I will be singing as part of my sermon just as I sang in my January sermon. I hope that you can join us in worship both of those Sundays. 

  • I really enjoyed our worship service this last Sunday. As stated previously, because it was the 5th Sunday of the month, we did a bit of something different! Instead of a sermon, we did a spiritual practice. We did a breathing meditation, then visualized BUMC 10 years from now, living into God's promise of growing the beloved community. 

  • In 2023, BUMC is doing spiritual practices instead of sermons during worship on 5th Sundays of the month, when they occur, this Sunday we will be visioning our church’s future together.