• This coming Sunday, 3/12, I preach! I always love preaching, and after my internship is done I will miss preaching for you very much.

    This week, I'll be preaching about the Living Waters of God's grace, forgiveness and love. For the Reading from the World, our reading will include the topic of moral injury.

  • Although it has been a relatively mild winter, today we are expecting snow! I hope that you are safe and warm inside, but that if you have to venture out into the weather, that you do so safely. I don't have my own thoughts to share with you this week, so here is a reading for today from "A Just Passion: A six-week Lenten reader," written by John Perkins:

  • I am pondering these words spoken during our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday: “The journey of repentance is about “turning around” (the origin of the word) so that we might be in right relationship with God. In a sense, we are looking for love once again. When we look to God for love- not simply for the approval of others- and start with our own “turning,” we participate in the “turning around” of the world.”