• A couple of things, for today:

    First of all, Alexia has been so kind as to create a QR code for our BUMC Love and Resistance Playlist for us, which will be in the printed announcements; here is the link if already online. You can click on the videos to play them. You are invited to listen to these songs and reflect on how we can co-create the Beloved Community in our lives! 

  • "Change your hearts and minds, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"

    These words of Jesus entreat us towards a radical change, a change within our own selves. At the time, they were a radical political statement, stating that God was more powerful than the mighty emperor, that the kingdom of God on Earth, right now, right here, was possible!

  • When I began this internship in the fall of '21, I was open about not self-identifying as Christian. However, I did express a willingness to talk and preach about Jesus, as I did feel he was divine and a great teacher, healer and on the side of the oppressed. In my first (school year), my theological development was centered around deepening my comfort and knowledge around talking about Jesus. Over the Summer break, due to personal situations, I came to a deeper appreciation around the gifts of forgiveness and grace that Jesus offers. I also came to a theological way to integrate my existing spiritual beliefs with the belief in the grace offered by Jesus.