• First of all, a very big THANK YOU to everyone who helped build sandwiches or donated money for supplies for sandwiches for our lunch building activities for the Night Ministry last week. It felt really good driving up to the Night Ministry bus and handing off boxes of food that had been assembled with love! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

  • So. This week is Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem. Jerusalem, that most ubiquitous of Biblical locations. That most holy of cities. Location of bloodshed and of worship, land of hope and promise...and land which has been fought over continually for thousands of years like a giant bloody game of tug-of-war.

  • Today is the first day of April - April 1st, also known as ‘April Fools Day,’ the day when folk, all around the world, play tricks on each other, but does anyone know how this day started? Interestingly no one seems to know how, when or where it started. There are many speculations but among all of that, one thing we do know is that April Fools Day dates back to at least renaissance Europe, but it may have originated long before then.