• Just so you know, I will be taking the Summer off from my internship, so my last Sunday with you all this year will be May 29th. My first Sunday back will be September 4th. I will miss all of you, however, it is important that I take a chance to recharge my batteries before beginning my second year of internship. 

  • So I'm back over in Europe this week; uitwaaien is a fun Dutch word that literally means something along the lines of 'blow out' but that...does not remotely capture the actual meaning of it. What it means is to go outside on a windy day and just...feel the wind, let it refresh you. To walk with and in the wind, and let it carry away your stress and your worries.

  • Today. April 22nd is observed as Earth Day, every year by people around the globe, in an effort to promote awareness for the environment’s health. We all know the damage we have done to our planet and will continue if we do not try to change our ways of being and do what we can lower our footprint. Did you know -