• Two days ago President Biden marked the beginning of AIDS Awareness month by sharing a new national HIV/AIDS strategy with the goal of ending the HIV epidemic by 2030, in the United States. Hoping this response will be truly equitable, he committed to making sure that resources for HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment “will be available to everyone regardless of race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability.”

  • As I've mentioned a time or two, my learning project at Broadway will be focused around social justice. I've decided I'd like to begin this by making sack suppers one day for the Night Ministry, an organization in town that "compassionately provides housing, health care, outreach, spiritual care, and social services to adults and youth who struggle with homelessness, poverty, and loneliness."

  • I've kept to the Scandinavian languages this week, though it's Swedish rather than Icelandic; not so close to Old Norse, but still a fun, interesting language in its own right. Swedish was one of the first languages I studied in-depth, when I was first discovering my love of languages back in high school, right after Finnish, and as you can see, my fascination with the languages of that part of the world hasn't really faded with time, even as I've also spent a great deal of time studying languages of various other parts of the world.