Alka's Angle

  • Well! November is almost here! Fall is upon us! Winter is just around the corner, and flu season is at its height! To complicate things, our State has started to see a resurgence of COVID.


    Chicago (Region 11 on the mitigation map) has seen a 8.2% positivity rate, as of Monday. Friends, these are alarming numbers! The Governor has been updating the mitigation plans for regions that are seeing rapid increases in COVID infections. A Revised Mitigation Plan for our area goes into effect today, October 30, which has stricter rules for restaurants, bars and indoor dining (to read details on the mitigation plan click here).

  • As we come to the end of this month, here is another message to you from one of our own. Focusing on the ‘Stewardship season,” Satia Orange has chosen to write about why she gives to the church. Here is what she has to say:

  • Last week we heard the thoughts of a member, and a friend of Broadway about what Broadway means to them. As I said earlier -- we will hear from several people throughout this month while we are in the "Stewardship season” at Broadway. Today let us hear from Brian Marron:

  • As I had shared with you last week, we are in the ‘Stewardship season” at Broadway. Stewardship is a difficult word for some, because we associate it mostly with finances. And, even though there is nothing wrong with talking about money in church -- stewardship does not refer to only finances. Webster Dictionary defines stewardship as “conducting, supervising, or managing of something, and “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.” So, when we talk about stewardship we are talking about everything that we are entrusted with. So I ask -- are we, as a church, being good stewards of all that God has entrusted us with?

  • I don’t know about you, but I continue to have a hard time keeping up with the weeks and months and what special days they bring. My memory seems to be frozen in Spring! But, the falling temperatures and the changing colors of the leaves are a reminder that fall is indeed here! In church life, that means Annual Church Conference, fall programs, assessing the budget for next year and planning for Advent and Christmas season.