Hi Broadway family!
In yesterday's Spiritual Practice Group, we read a poem by John Wesley (the founder of methodism). Before now, we've always done our personal contemplation about scripture, but I thought we could try something new.
The poem is called, "Hymn IV: Ho! Everyone That Thirsts, Draw Nigh."
A few lines that stuck out to me:
"See from the Rock a fountain rise!
For you in healing streams it rolls;
Money ye need not bring, nor price,
Ye labouring, burdened, sin-sick souls.
Nothing ye in exchange shall give,
Leave all you have and are behind,
Frankly the gift of God receive,
Pardon and peace in Jesus find."
That's a lot to take in, isn't it? There are harsh and unpleasant words (sin-sick souls) as well as words of beauty (pardon and peace). The whole poem has a lot of this kind of contrast. I think that he contrasted the harshness with the sweet to help the reader really appreciate the gift of grace that comes from God. Mercy that soothes is a real treasure.
I am grateful for mercy, for grace, and for beauty. May you also find these things in your lives, and in the coming week!