• March is Women’s History Month! It is also the season of Lent! As you already know we are creating a Mosaic during worship, while we talk about the Mosaic of our lives where God uses all our life experiences to create the person God intends for us to be. No part of us, no piece of our lives is left out or lost in God’s mosaic of our lives.

  • Matthew 4:1-11 is a well-known story of Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by the devil. He is led into the wilderness (the desert) by the Holy Spirit, where he then fasts for 40 days. Spending 40 days in the wilderness is a common theme throughout the Bible.

  • On Sunday, at church, we talked about the Israelites learning to live a free life -- free from slavery, free from the injustices and unnecessary rules that had made life difficult for them in Egypt. We talked about how difficult that transition must have been for them -- to enter into a new land where you know nothing. You must start all over again!