• The Gospel text from this last week (Matthew 17:1-9) appears a bit odd and confusing. Jesus takes three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a high mountain. Then Moses and Elijah show up.

  • I have been having trouble with the faucet in my kitchen lately. The faucet is leaking! No, let me clarify. Every time I turn the faucet off -- it leaks. And I know I am the only one who is having this problem because I don’t see it leaking when I am turning it on. It leaks, only, when I turn it off! Strange, right? I thought so too!

  • We have been talking about the state of the United Methodist Church for months now, but the reality is that most churches are experiencing this decline in membership. I know in this situation it is normal for regular church goers to feel depleted, disappointed and spent.