• Here we are- entering into a new year, and I don’t know about you but I enter the year with much trepidation and hope to find ways to stay resilient and strong in my commitment to do what I am called to do. 


  • Wherever you were on Christmas eve/day, I trust you were able to welcome the memory of Christ coming to this earth in the form of a human whom we called Jesus and you found ways to make room for the less privileged also- by sharing, by donating, by even just seeing them eye to eye and recognizing their existence around us, and I pray we were able to see a glimpse of Jesus in them. 


  • During this season of Advent, I have said these words as we end our worship services- “..and may the Spirit lead us into possibilities of hospitality that we haven’t imagined, making room in The Inn for all.” I am reminded of these words every day as I read the news, look around the neighborhood or even follow the social media: the need seems to be growing because support is decreasing.