Alka's Angle

  • This is another busy week! I remember being able to take the week after Christmas and Easter easy. Doesn’t quite happen that way anymore. But before I get into the events of this week, I want to celebrate and thank the many people who made the Holy Week a blessed experience...This past Monday was Earth Day and the focus for this year is ‘Protect Our Species.’

  • Last Sunday was interesting! I heard many comments, including an announcement made at church about ordering Easter Poinsettias, wishing one another Merry Palm Sunday and even reminding folks to bring their ice skates to the SONrise service. People said it was White Palm Sunday!

  • April is here! April means showers and gardening and spring-cleaning. The thought of spring-cleaning scares me a little. I know how much I have accumulated over the years. I know I am hanging on to a lot of things, thinking that I might need them one day. But the truth is, there are some boxes we have never opened in the last four years.

  • The 2019 Chicago mayoral election is drawing closer, and one of the leading topics that stands in front of the Chicago voters is the two candidates’ stance around rent control in Chicago apartments. Earlier in February, state lawmakers introduced a bill HB2192 which would repeal the ban, create six, elected, regional rent control boards across the state,  and provide benefits to both landlords and renters.

  • As we continue in this Lenten journey of slowing down, so we can find time to meet or reconnect with our ‘unhurried God,’ there is so much happening around us that catches our attention and demands a response. I will touch on many recent events but invite you to not get overwhelmed by them, but hold them in your prayers and offer them to God in a way that you are guided to a way you can respond to one or more of them.