Dear Broadway Community,
Around June we had shared with you that the elected leaders of Broadway and Holy Covenant UM churches have been having conversations about the state of our respective churches and exploring possibilities of ministry together. So far- we have had the exploratory meeting, worshipped at each other’s buildings, shared our membership, worshipper and financial statistics, and have also invited your input/ideas towards this possibility. We have now decided to have an all church meeting at both locations and give you an opportunity to ask us questions. While we may not have many answers for you, we do want to hear your thoughts and give you the opportunity to share your concerns with the church leadership, so we can continue to have these conversations, with your opinions and concerns in mind. We will have this meeting on Sunday, August 18th at 12:15pm in the Sanctuary.
It will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month, so we will worship in the yard. Following worship we will have fellowship and then go to the Sanctuary for our meeting. We hope many of you will join us and share your thoughts.
We are grateful for all who have donated towards the backpacks! This week, we will pack the bags and deliver, but we do invite your financial donations till the end of this month, as we have made purchases anticipating your generous contributions!
And speaking of your generosity- I had forgotten that I had mentioned in one of these messages that the church needed a new vacuum cleaner and mower! Thanks to those who read these messages and made special donation for those equipment- we now have a new vacuum cleaner and a mower for the church! Thank YOU! Those who feel they cannot make financial contributions are welcome to join our green team on Thursdays at 10:00am to weed, clean and organize around the building.
Beloveds, I am always grateful to all of you for always showing up in the best way you can, so together we can continue to be the church that God has called us to be.
Be blessed, and be a blessing to all you meet, and I look forward to seeing you all at church.