Dear Broadway Community,
The last few days have been like a roller coaster of emotions: filled with anxiety and uncertainty and fear. Even though I have not spent much time in front of TV, I have definitely not escaped the news. If you wish to know- you can learn what Executive orders were signed on Monday, some that directly affect our ministries and the communities we serve.
In order for us to have a clear understanding of what that means and how do we continue to be a prophetic witness in the neighborhood, I invite us to an all church meeting on Sunday, February 2nd following worship. If you have specific questions, please email them to me by Wednesday, Jan 29th. If you feel you can help us in this conversation, also let me know.
Beloveds- this is not a time to panic or be anxious, but to stay grounded and support one another- so I invite us to do that! Please check on one another, support one another, affirm folk and give each other space to process what is happening around us.
We are a resilient people and we might get low some days but we will not give up and will continue to be who God calls us to be- so let us keep doing our best, keep moving forward with courage, compassion, and beloved community.
See you at church!